Does the life of the mind appeal to you? Sitting in on an online seminar with Bob Bartlett on what Moby Dick can teach us about the nature of God? Joining our Political Studies fellows to hear from world-class faculty, like Yuval Levin and Diana Schaub, on how political philosophy can inform our contemporary debates? Or learning from practitioner-scholars, like Rep. Mike Gallagher, about the most important policy challenges facing America?
That describes a day in the life of the Hertog Foundation, and you could join us as our new Associate Director. The Associate Director works closely with our Executive Director, Cheryl Miller, and our president and founder, Roger Hertog, to build new fellowship programs and improve existing ones.
Beyond sharing in the educational experience of our programs, the Associate Director is closely involved with the outstanding young fellows who join the Hertog community. The Associate Director recruits and assesses applicants – including reviewing applications and conducting interviews – and then helps the selected fellows make the most of their program. The Associate Director plays an integral role in the intellectual and community life of our fellowships. Depending on their interests and inclinations, past Associate Directors have hosted special program extracurriculars, led reading groups, and even taught seminars for fellows and alumni.
A central theme for the Hertog Foundation concerns the connection between theory and practice. The Associate Director is also concerned with theory and practice. A lot of hard work goes into making the intellectual exploration of our programs possible. A successful Associate Director will have a strong sense of mission and excitement about building and sustaining an institution.
If you or someone you know is interested in taking on these responsibilities and joys, please reach out to the Foundation at Send a brief letter describing your background, interests, and talents, along with a résumé. And if you know others who might be interested, encourage them to reach out.