Fall Seminars | Applications Open Soon

The First American: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Reflect on what it means to be an American.

Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago

Read Solzhenitsyn's searing & deep indictment of the Communist project for its 50th anniversary.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Consider the age-old conflict between pagan & Christian morality.

Political Studies Program


Consider the statesman’s role in democracy & whether political greatness is still possible today.

Our Alumni

Elliot Kaufman

Elliot Kaufman

Political Studies Program

Full Bio
Stefan Johnson

Stefan Johnson

Political Studies Program

Full Bio
Alexandra Jackson

Alexandra Jackson

War Studies Program

Full Bio
Caleb Orr

Caleb Orr

Advanced Institutes

Full Bio

Nominate A Student

Do you know a student or colleague who would benefit from one of our programs? Applicants may apply directly to our programs, but nominations are helpful for reaching and selecting great participants. Nominate a potential applicant by submitting their name, email address, and a brief description of their abilities and interest in the study of politics and policy. Program staff will follow up with an email to the nominee mentioning your nomination and offering information on how to apply.

Nominate a Student