15 fellows to study “China Beyond Beijing” |
Summer Security Studies Seminars Announced

February 6, 2024 — The Hertog Foundation selected 15 university students and young professionals to participate in its virtual seminar, “China Beyond Beijing.”

Led by geopolitical risk analyst Jeremy Furchtgott, this online course will introduce fellows to open-source intelligence tools that are underappreciated yet accessible and rigorous, including maps, travelogues, historical accounts, and other primary-source materials. All fellows receive full scholarships, all course materials and a stipend to support their study.

This virtual seminar belongs to the Foundation’s Security Studies Program, a series of online and residential courses devoted to grand strategy in theory and in action. This summer, the Foundation will offer four weeklong seminars providing a practitioner’s view of national security, led by faculty who have direct experience forming and advising American policy, including the House’s China specialist, Mike Gallagher.

Summer Seminars

Utopia & Reality in American Grand Strategy

with Mike Gallagher (Congress)
& Aaron MacLean (FDD)
How China Confronts Crisis with Dan Blumenthal (AEI)
A Return to Rivalry: US-Russia Relations with Vance Serchuk (CNAS)
Kissinger & the Yom Kippur War with Mike Doran (Hudson Institute)


All seminars take place in Washington, DC and include a full scholarship, housing, and a stipend. College students, graduate students, and young professionals are eligible to apply. The application deadline is March 4, 2024. Learn more about our offerings at HertogFoundation.org.

“China Beyond Beijing” Fellows

  • Patrick Beyrer, McLarty Associates
  • Jack Bradley, Centre College, 2023
  • Kendall Carll, Harvard University, 2026
  • Connor Cowman, University of Texas-Austin, 2023
  • Diana D’Souza, Dartmouth College, 2024
  • Samuel Goldenstein, The Citadel, 2024
  • Emma Harris, Western Kentucky University, 2026
  • Frank Hoffman, Georgetown University
  • Essynce Lewis, Pinkerton
  • John Widener Norris, University of Georgia, 2026
  • Meredith Schwartz, Vogel Group
  • Juan Pablo Villasmil, American University, 2023
  • Grace White, University of Texas-Austin, 2025
  • Maya Wong, Hunter College, 2024
  • Eden Rose Zaborowski, Indiana University, 2024