The Ideology and Strategy of al Qaeda and ISIS
John R. Allen, James M. Dubik, Frederick W. Kagan, and Kimberly Kagan
Hertog Foundation | 2017
The course will introduce students to some major intellectual discussions underpinning the Salafi-jihadist ideology of al Qaeda and ISIS, while exploring the differences between the two groups as of December 2016. The faculty will divide the students into sections (circulated on Monday morning at the all-hands introductory lecture) in order to ensure that students can participate actively in guided, seminar style discussions. Each group will be responsible for writing a series of position papers and briefing them on Friday, January 6. The faculty will give paper assignments at intervals through the course. Each group MUST use its time out of the seminar to discuss and prepare the position papers.
Advanced War Studies Courses are open only to alumni of the basic War Studies course. These sessions are offered in the winter and summer, and focus either on a national security challenge or on a historical conflict. Learn more about the War Studies Program.
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